然后承晗眳用英文对着他们大声说道:“Stop, yhting a guy who doeshe power to do anything. Is that really good? It's in school. Aren't you afraid of killing people?(住手,你们一群人打一个手无缚鸡之力的男生,这样真的好吗?这可是在学校里啊,你们就不怕闹出人命吗?)”
其中一个蓝眼黄毛的美国学生看到来人,嘲笑问道:“There's another one who's not afraid to die. Are you his friend? Want to save him?(又来一个不怕死的,你是他的朋友吗?想救他吗?)”
承晗眳挥舞着树枝说道:“No, I'm not his friend, but it's wrong for you to bully a classmate like this. You should stop your t behavior!(不,我不是他的朋友,但是你们这样欺负一个同学是违反校纪校规的,是不正确的,你们应该停止你们现在的行为!)”